This past Saturday, we had our brunch here at SweetCars and there were many fabulous cars and familiar faces attending the event. The Porsche Club was in attendance as they gathered at SweetCars before their drive. There were also members of clubs such as the Corvette, Cobra and Thunderbird club.The food was amazing as always and everyone had a great time. For many, it was their first time seeing some of the new inventory at SweetCars and for us here at SweetCars, it was great to see some sweet rides. Here are some pictures from the event for everyone to enjoy, and we hope to see everyone at the next brunch!

New Dry Ice Cleaning Technology Now Available Exclusively at SweetCars
SweetCars is proud to add state-of-the-art dry ice cleaning to its powerful lineup of highline automotive detailing services. SweetCars is the first detailer in the area to offer dry ice cleaning, having made the necessary investments to create one of the best setups in the country. General Manager Michael Barney